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1st Six Weeks

October 02, 2012


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August 27-31/Week 1

This is week is a quick review over rules, tools and scientific method

Scientific Investigation and Reasoning

Lesson 1: Lab Safety

Safety goggles: protect the eyes from splashing liquids or flying objects

Lab apron: protects your body and clothing from harmful substances

Safety gloves: protect hands from harmful materials, including heat and chemicals

Flammability: the ability of a substance to burn

Lesson 2: Scientific Method

Scientific investigation: the process scientist use to find answer about the natural world

Descriptive investigation: an investigation used to gather and describe data

Experimental investigation: an investigation used to find the cause of an even

Observation: a way to gather information using your senses

Prediction: a statement of what a scientist thinks will happen based on an observation

Hypothesis: a statement or question that can be tested by an experiment

Experiment: a set of steps used to test a hypothesis

Variable: a condition that is changed in an experiment

Control: a condition in an experiment that does not change

Date: the information scientist get by observing or experimenting

Lesson 3: Science in History 

Botany: study of plants

Geography: study of Earth’s surface

Astronomy: study of space

Ecology: study of organisms and their environments

Meteorology: study of the atmosphere

Chemistry: study of matter and how matter changes

Oceanography: study of ocean systems

Seismology: study of earthquakes

Physics: study of energy, matter, force, and motion

Zoology: study of animals

Paleontology: study of ancient life

Engineering: study of designing and building things